Coded and designed newsletters and promotional EDMs for the targeted clients’ preferences 
with the customised journey via MailChimp & HubSpot.
Lessons we learned
We tried different templates with different layouts and discovered our target audience.

1. Hyperlinks are clicked as much as CTA buttons.
In addition to CTA buttons, we keep hyperlinks to action in our newsletter and promotions.
2. More multimedia assets are not always better.
Most of our users, dentists using corporate email accounts, read our messages using Outlook on desktop PCs. 
Although animated GIFs and videos are more engaging, they increase the size of the emails and the chances they will be filtered as spam and never make it to the inbox. So we try to keep the graphic assets no more than three unless they are crucial to the messages.

3. Use targeted lists
Don't send generic emails to your clients. Your message should delight your reader. 
The opening rates and CTR are always higher when sending to our segmented list with their preferences. We create different active lists with criteria like the website pages they visited, emails they opened & clicked, and the GEO location.., etc for each campaign to ensure we are talking to the right audience.
The NEwsletters

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