EDMs & Newsletters

EDMs & Newsletters

Coded and designed newsletters and promotional EDMs for the targeted clients’ preferences 
with the customised journey via MailChimp & HubSpot.
Key Lessons Learned
1. Hyperlinks are as Effective as CTA Buttons

Initially, we focused heavily on prominent CTA (Call to Action) buttons, but we discovered that hyperlinks are just as likely to be clicked. Incorporating both in our newsletters and promotions has significantly improved our engagement rates.
2. Less is More with Multimedia Assets

Most of our audience, dentists using corporate email accounts, access our emails via Outlook on desktop PCs. While animated GIFs and videos are visually engaging, they tend to increase the email size and the likelihood of being flagged as spam. To ensure our emails reach the inbox, we limit graphic assets to no more than three unless they are essential to the message.

3. Targeted Lists Enhance Engagement

Generic emails rarely hit the mark. Our most successful campaigns are those that delight readers with personalized content. By segmenting our audience based on their preferences—such as website pages visited, emails opened and clicked, and geographical location—we achieve higher open and click-through rates. Creating targeted lists for each campaign ensures we’re reaching the right audience with the right message.
The NEwsletters
Effective eDMs and newsletters require a thoughtful approach. By incorporating hyperlinks, limiting multimedia assets, and utilizing targeted lists, we’ve significantly improved our communication with our audience in the dental industry. These strategies have not only enhanced engagement but also ensured that our messages are both seen and appreciated by the right people.

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