Calligraphy / 書法

Something about calligraphy on an invitation card brings warmth to the card. Being a big fan of Chinese calligraphy, I am trying to combine Chinese and English calligraphy to make a unique symbol for their marriage. After countless attempts, I think they look pretty good.


Below are different combinations of the two characters: Kai (凱) and Ching (晴)

下面是幾種兩個文字間不同的排列方式。我相信您一定可以發現凱的偏旁我用 K 來取代,晴的偏旁則是 C。
Illustrations / 插畫

I cannot help but put the illustration of the couple on the invitation :) Flowers and puppies are always welcome.

我相信沒有人會反對在婚禮邀請函上放上小插畫吧~ 尤其是帶了小花及小狗的插畫 :)
The Invitation Card / 邀請函

The client wants the card to be different and somehow playful. We decided to make the invitation like a folded map. It reveals a bit more information at each unfolding.

Digital Invitation Card / 電子邀請函

Some animation to make it POP.


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