

The Ask
FlexSplint, a dental lab specializing in splints, approached us with a desire to enhance their brand identity. They wanted a logo that not only symbolized the physical splint but also conveyed a sense of freshness and innovation.
The Challenge
FlexSplint already had a logo but felt it didn’t fully capture the essence of their brand. They sought a revamped logo that better aligned with their vision and a comprehensive branding guide for future applications.
Our Approach
Logo Redesign
We redesigned the logo to better represent the physical attributes of a splint while incorporating a modern and fresh aesthetic. This new logo set the tone for FlexSplint’s updated brand identity.
We crafted a sleek and professional logo that seamlessly integrated the letters J, N, and S. This new logo was designed to reflect JN Software’s high standards and technological expertise.
Branding Guide
We developed an extensive branding guide to ensure consistency across all future branding efforts. This guide includes detailed instructions on logo usage, color palettes, typography, and other visual elements.
Website Development
We created a user-friendly website built on WordPress, seamlessly integrated with HubSpot for efficient lead generation and tracking. The website features a digitized lab sheet and a streamlined case submission process, enhancing the user experience.
Forms and Automation
To further support FlexSplint’s operations, we designed and implemented general inquiry and price list request forms. These forms are automated through HubSpot, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.
Marketing Collateral
We also produced a range of marketing materials, including business cards and product brochures, all designed to reflect the new brand identity.
The Result
The rebranding effort provided FlexSplint with a cohesive and fresh brand identity that better reflects their expertise and innovation in the dental lab industry. The new logo, comprehensive branding guide, and enhanced digital presence have positioned FlexSplint for continued growth and success.
By integrating HubSpot, we ensured that FlexSplint’s marketing and operational processes are both efficient and scalable, setting them up for future success.

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